To become an efficient reader, you need to know how to select and use the reading style that is consistent with your purpose for reading.
There are three important reading styles you should learn to use. Knowing when and how to use these three reading styles will make you a more efficient learner.1. Study Reading is the reading style used by flexible readers when their purpose is to read difficult material at a high level of comprehension. When using the Study Reading style, you will read at a rate that is slower than your normal reading rate.
You should take notes as you go, and record confusions to check later.
2. Skimming is the reading style used to quickly obtain a general idea about the reading material. The Skimming style is most useful when you have to read a large amount of material in a short amount of time.
When using the Skimming style, you should identify the main ideas in each paragraph and ignore the details in supportive sentences - often this means reading the start and end of paragraphs and the introduction and conclusion to chapters.

Since you know exactly what you are looking for, move your eyes quickly over the reading material until you locate the specific piece of information you need to find.
Now you try something new:
- Before you begin your next essay / reading assignment identify your purpose for reading.
- Decide if you are:
- reading for a high level of comprehension,
- trying to get a general idea about what you are reading, or
- looking for specific information.
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